Types of Business Communication - easy4tuts.blogspot.com

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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Types of Business Communication

Q What is verbal communication? 
A communication using oral or written methods known to be verbal communication. Verbal communication is a method that uses oral and written expression. The following are the ways for verbal communication:  

  1. Be Specific What You Want to Say: Before speaking, a person must have a definite idea what he wants to say. So, a person should have mental preparation to convey any message or information. Aimless conversation will result in aimless output. One must avoid those opinions to which he is not familiar. 
  2. Consider your listener or Audience: When a person is sharing any message or information with others, sender must consider the position of the receiver. The knowledge of the receiver, attitude of the receiver and thinking of the receiver must be considered properly by the communicator. 
  3. Move from Simple to Complex: In communication, Communicator should start with basic concepts or idea and move towards further discussion. This helps the listener to understand the specific problem clearly. e.g. In teaching accounting, the teacher should first start with Debit-Credit rules rather than doing financial statements. 
  4. Select Words Carefully: In verbal communication, confusing or contradictory words should not be used. Simple and communicative words should be used considering the background, experience and culture of listener or audience. 
  5. Clear Expression: A person must speak, state or write anything with clear expression. Failure to pronounce any word properly or writing any spelling may cause failure to verbal communication. 
  6. Use the Active Voice: The active voice is understood more easily because it is both clear and direct. Using the active voice will help you to speak more consciously. e.g. Say"Mr. A called me" is more suitable rather than "I was called by Mr. A". 
  7. Be Courteous and Natural: Decency should be maintained by the communicator to create impression in the mind of an audience or listener. Unpleasant attitude must be avoided. Furthermore, sender of communication should be natural rather than using artificial attitude towards listener or audience. A courteous and natural attitudes leads to the most effective communication. 
    The above guidelines for verbal communication are effective to maintain effective verbal communication. Furthermore, to make effective verbal communication by following above guidelines for verbal communication, all of those must be natural and spontaneously. 

Q What is nonverbal communication? 

Non-verbal communication is an instinctive type of communication as compared to verbal communication. In our daily life, we are involved with such communication consciously or unconscionably. Many thoughts, expressions or feelings are reflected through such communication. A close analysis or thinking for a moment can be sufficient to sort out how much time do we get to perform such communication. Non-verbal communication is mostly unstructured and there is no book regarding the language or vocabulary regarding such communication. When we smile or when we frown or when we show our gloomy face, we are actually reflecting non-verbal communication. Therefore, without our consent or consciousness our emotions are expressed through our faces or movements. Here we are communicating without words i.e. non-verbal communication. Importance of Non Verbal communication:- Non-verbal communication is a non-word or communication without word. Its importance are untold as we are involved and inclined with it in our daily life. A short but definite arguments are given below to justify its importance: 1. Ninety Three(93) Percent: Non-verbal communication: Non-verbal communication is important to convey feelings or actions in our daily life. Almost 93 percent of our emotions are reflected through such communication. 2. Provide Instant Effect: Verbal communication requires much more time than non-verbal communication to get proper feedback. When tears drop from eyes, there is less time to perceive the state of mind. Moreover, when our national flag is half-mast, we know that the nation is showing respect and gratitude towards any contribution. 3. Reliable: Words can be changed easily but non-verbal cues like body language, facial expressions or gestures cannot be changed instantly as they reflect the definite and actual state of mind. It really reflects emotion with honesty. When a person smiles, it shows his joy which is much more communicative than his written statement like 'I am happy'. 4. Quick Transmission: Non-verbal cues can transmit message quickly to the receiver. We can forward our emotions even without thinking about it. When we embrace or when we shake hands or when we show our thumb provide instant communication like the flow of electricity. 5. More Powerful: Colors or plain sounds are more powerful than any language. When we carry black flag or wear black band, it reflects our attitude to protest some movement. When national anthem is played, we instantly stand up and maintain silence, During that silence, we try to remember our national 'Heroes'. Therefore, Non-verbal communication provides most powerful media. So, the above discussions clearly emphasize on the importance of non-verbal communication.

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